女王用屁眼坐脸 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 喜剧片 2017

导演: 理查德·莱斯特


  这是Richard Lester最好的一个片。
  An absurdist classic
  This is a wonderful surreal comedy based on the play by Spike Milligan and John Antrobus. You know that it is going to be an odd film right at the beginning, when the opening credits list the cast in order of their height. The film begins with the BBC (Frank Thornton) telling us through the facade of an old television that this is the third, or is it the fourth?, anniversary of the shortest war in history, lasting 2 hours and 28 minutes. England is now a barren landscape, littered with derelict cars and buildings, hills of old boots, broken crockery, and other debris. Forty million people perished and there are only 20 known survivors. The Queen did not survive, and of the 20 known survivors the next in line for the throne is a Mrs Ethel Schroake of 393a High Street, Leytonstone. Among the other survivors are Ralph Richardson (O Lucky Man!) as Lord Fortnum of Alamein, who isn't looking forward to his impending mutation into a bed sitting room. Michael Hordern is Bules Martin, who wears a 18-carat Hovis bread ring. Spike Milligan is a postman who wanders around and delivers some memorable dialogue, for example: "And in come the three bears - the daddy bear said, 'Who's been sleeping in my porridge?' - and the mummy bear said, 'that's no porridge, that was my wife' ". Arthur Lowe is slowly turning into a parrot (which is then eaten by Spike Milligan), while his wife, the owner of her own death certificate, turns into a wardrobe. His daughter is pregnant with a strange creature, which she has held inside her for seventeen months. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore are a pair of policemen who perpetually tell the others to "keep moving!". Moore growls a lot and turns into a dog at the end. Marty Feldman is a wellington-boot-wearing nurse. It's a hilarious, absurdist treat, and one of my treasured filmic pleasures.


  • 婷雪 4小时前 :

    Really smooth. 电影很流畅很治愈,机缘总会让很多亲人、恋人、朋友无法得偿所愿地一直陪伴在身边。Timing真的很重要。

  • 振沛 2小时前 :


  • 宓元甲 4小时前 :

    是圣丹斯的味道,也有点惊讶于导演的才华。影片开头就设置了一个动情场景,母亲拥住12岁的儿子不无伤心地说:My baby is heartbroken. 预示着这个故事是关于10年后的又一次心碎。Andrew因善良开朗的性格意外成为镇上成年礼party的发起人,同时也经历着自己社会和情感意义上的成年礼。这个人物的性格太讨人喜欢了,善良细心,彬彬有礼。相对于大多数人,他已经知道多得多“我是谁”的答案了。剧本台词写得太好,家庭人物关系极度舒适,一些人生转折阶段难以定义难以表达的情感思绪不知不觉流露。谈话表白的场景都那么打动人心。Dakota也极其适合这个角色,愿意接下新人导演的片子实属respect .

  • 常诗文 8小时前 :


  • 古添智 7小时前 :


  • 改涵菱 1小时前 :


  • 家蕴涵 8小时前 :

    三个关于处于人生不同阶段的三个人的coming of age story 台词写得很出彩 在心情不好的时候看会感到特别温暖 cooper很有才是真的

  • 广书竹 6小时前 :

    电影节常见的那种暖暖忧伤的小甜片……技术是过关的,但是这种“非常懂事非常caring的男孩”和“似乎婚姻不幸福的熟女”故事怎么看都有点不够厚实,甚至有些帕丁顿熊。这样一个太完美的男主真的让我没办法共情,甚至不知道从哪儿下脚。 后来一看是男主自编自导自演啊,那没事了……

  • 中若兰 2小时前 :


  • 姿蓓 7小时前 :


  • 刑红英 0小时前 :

    3.5 舒服且真诚的,正如片名那样丝滑,甚至更像法国电影。关于爱的一种切面,但回忆留下就足够了。BUT WTF ANDREW IS SUCH A HOT CUTIEEEE IM FALLING🥺🥺

  • 斯若薇 5小时前 :

    真的好想活成这个样子啊 做个温柔有爱 不固执不浮躁的大人 呜呜呜 我太爱了 好久没被电影那么好地治愈了 导演竟然就是男主 而且才97年的 我再观望一下 假以时日一定能封神 太懂得拿捏人与人之间的情感了 对文本和主题的审美真的很高

  • 呼芳菲 7小时前 :


  • 幸白曼 3小时前 :

    ‘I'm so thankful, but for the rest of my life, everything is going to be defined by them. But you, you only have you. And how scary but how amazing. You can just figure things out, and you don't have to worry about bringing another person into it.'自编自导自演的25岁,矫情一点有什么关系呢,还有大把时间自己去感受生活啊,how amazing!

  • 卫博艺 1小时前 :


  • 多弘博 3小时前 :

    一些好喜欢的节点 :1)刚开头的两分钟,那几句“Are we sure?” “Sure, sure?”,妈妈真的很好啊,好羡慕,想成为那样的妈妈;2)他很气地踢了草坪然后俯下身揉了揉那些草(44min前后);3)好松弛的一场面试,那种骨子里的幽默和高自尊感让人羡慕,想成为那样的人;4)Domino关于depressed的一些描述,“Like you don't remember what better feels like, and then you do things that you think will make you feel better, but they don't, they make it worse. And the things that I'm really scared of doing are probably the things that will help me the most, but I just can't do them.”(55min前后) 5) 喜欢那些接吻课,尤其是最后那段“接吻是两个人的事,不光要关注对方,也要关注你自己的感受”。

  • 旷颖初 8小时前 :


  • 华禧 7小时前 :


  • 乘安 4小时前 :


  • 向晴岚 7小时前 :

    感情中的可能性和必然性,多好多温柔的一课;回味了一个晚上,觉得这样的结局也真的更珍贵,我们往往太看重感情最后的结果而不是过程中带来的别的东西,就如同男主角带着大家走出舒适圈的舞,何尝不是一种对生活的勇气?对于男主来说,自己能给一个家庭带来的温暖,何不是一种找到自己的方式?人与人的相遇最珍贵的也是这点吧 ps达妹真是又软又矫柔


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