购票通cityline 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2012

导演: 林权泽


  Min Ji-suk runs a "ticket bar"where customers can purchase tickets for certain "services"in the town of Sokcho in Gangwon-do. She hires Miss Yang (Ahn So-young), Miss Hong (Lee Hye-young), and Se-young (Jeon Se-young) through the employment agency. Miss Yang and Miss Hong, who are well experienced in this type of business, are used to accepting propositions from customers. But Se-young, who is dating a college student named Min-su, rejects all requests for sexual favors. When Min-su professes to having problems with his tuition and finances, Se-young reassures him that she will procure the necessary funds for him. When the bar's clientele begins to dwindle because of Se-young, Ji-suk reprimands her severely. Se-young develops a close relationship with a Captain Pak and even allows him to sleep with her. She asks Captain Pak to find Min-su employment on a boat, but when Min-su comes to Sokcho for his new job, he sees how Se-young has been making her living. Shocked, he turns his back on the job and leaves. When he eventually returns to Sokcho, he scathingly denounces Se-young's morality and severs their relationship. Decades ago, Ji-suk had stumbled into the bar business in a desperate effort to support her husband, who was serving time in prison; she later left him voluntarily out of shame and moral degradation. Concerned that Se-young will end up with the same fate, Ji-suk asks Min-su to meet with her. She begs him not to abandon Se-young, but he flatly refuses. Ji-suk reacts by pushing Min-su into the sea, and suffers a mental breakdown that lands her in a psychiatric institution.


  • 弥承平 3小时前 :

    一分给欧阳一分给林奶奶,除此以外,演技、剧情、立意都意外的shitty。Nina一个有独立思想的笔杆子上赶着追求自己幸福被catfish了之后竟然只能想到choose between A and B? Aww too desperate for a man which does't make sense at all...... put together and move on, girl!

  • 改英媛 3小时前 :


  • 不天韵 2小时前 :


  • 性舒荣 0小时前 :

    没带什么期待去看的,还挺可爱的,作为圣诞rom com达标了,多给一颗星因为难得有有亚洲人主演这种类型片。这个看起来很没诚意的片名是电影里提到的两部圣诞电影Love Actually 和Die Hard合体。虽然主角其貌不扬找不到对象被诟病又是一个asian stereotype,但是我想说这片子里其实展现了三个不同类型的亚洲男性,还算是有点多样性。

  • 世琰琬 7小时前 :


  • 夔嘉石 3小时前 :


  • 归冬菱 7小时前 :

    结尾致敬真爱至上亮了!圣诞节就该看些浪漫爱情片Make it a very Merry Christmas!

  • 富玉堂 9小时前 :

    最后模仿love actually那里还是俗气地被感动到了…是一个细想很丧的故事:如果josh不伪造profile,natalie根本就不会滑他,他和natalie根本就不会有开始的机会,哪怕他们灵魂一万分的契合。有点担心欧阳万成的精神状态…有点理解他移民美国后经历了什么了。但即使作为边缘亚裔男性,他依然可以在his rock bottom选择blame women…女主结尾独自站出来澄清真相和道歉确实看得不舒服

  • 初楠 6小时前 :


  • 婧菡 5小时前 :

    圣诞浪漫喜剧,为了happy ending,结局显得不真实嘎嘎

  • 俊静 0小时前 :


  • 兴雅韶 9小时前 :

    "Don't be afraid to be you"

  • 子强 4小时前 :


  • 原蔓菁 2小时前 :

    全片最精彩的部分居然是老头老太在一起说如何在online dating 上美化自己。

  • 冬静 8小时前 :

    Jimmy O Yang这个自带人设感觉是很难脱掉了😂

  • 优岚 3小时前 :


  • 寿琼思 5小时前 :


  • 党晶滢 1小时前 :

    有些地方挺有意思 但我好久没看过这么尴尬的电影了

  • 后采白 7小时前 :


  • 代玮奇 1小时前 :



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