致开头的成语 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 2005

导演: Olivia M. Lamasan


  Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marco's unrealized dream of becoming a chef. Together, they worked towards their dream of opening up a restaurant, but when Ginny realized her own pursuits were different from his, she rejected his wedding proposal and left the country for a Masters degree in Architecture. At present, Ginny co-owns a one-stop Architecture and Interior Design firm specializing in Restoration. She receives an email from Marco, which was written and sent after their break-up, meant to be read four years later. It makes her feel even more regretful of leaving the love of her life. When their firm receives an offer to restore an old house into a restaurant, she is ecstatic to learn that Marco will be co-owning the restaurant. She takes this as a sign...


  • 年晓燕 2小时前 :


  • 厉涵瑶 4小时前 :

    当柯南伯格不再是那个道具horror B级片的感觉时,就没内味儿了

  • 振然 5小时前 :


  • 九水风 3小时前 :

    手术是新型性爱 那么性 爱 生育关系可以被剥离开了 身体无论怎样 政治永存

  • 平槐 0小时前 :

    about the domination of the body, the functional not the decorative way of evolution , the choice of rebellion or acceptance...

  • 振辰 0小时前 :

    雷声大,雨点小。我完全沉默,静静地看着它装逼……见招拆招,解构,破解……解构,破解!大卫的(解构)1、人类的未来 2、全新的性爱3、奇怪的情欲需求 4、睡觉的共同体 5、吃饭的座椅。 柯南伯格的(破解)1、这不是科学的幻想 2、我知道他有快感,但实在理解不了爽点在何处。3、小K需要男人吗?4、最后变成了内脏的容器 5、坐姿不能太正确,怎么拧巴怎么来! 个人没觉得怎么地,今年戛纳整得这个轰动!

  • 奕建义 4小时前 :


  • 仉芙蓉 6小时前 :

    形而上的美,是电影艺术的终点,也是电影艺术的原罪。先导海报里被圣光沐浴的黑袍维果总让人联想以为这将是《此房是我造》的续篇,即便看完以后确信柯南伯格已将所有的灵魂倾注此片,也很难停止脑补若是疯蹄来拍如此的题材,那又将是怎样更严肃的落笔,更味如嚼蜡阅读论文般的观影体验 w/阳

  • 律德海 2小时前 :


  • 却德容 8小时前 :

    1. “surgery is the new sex”这个概念的提出令我相当佩服!

  • 嘉涵 3小时前 :


  • 伟德运 8小时前 :


  • 旗彭湃 8小时前 :

    误以为是退回到感官世界、变蝇人的柯南伯格,结果依然是body horror包裹下的星图或大都会。只是不再以视角/突发事件作为切割,语义更加统一。对话不停的为行为充当注解,屏幕内外发生的是同样的事—权利的垄断或是思维的垄断。纹身是器官进化的障眼法,body horror是柯南伯格的障眼法。那些关乎未来的事,终究没有答案。

  • 俊雅 2小时前 :


  • 周飞阳 3小时前 :


  • 夏侯冷荷 8小时前 :

    全身耳朵 没有痛觉 非法制造器官 行为艺术切除秀。。有点创意也有点恶心。

  • 徭夜绿 0小时前 :


  • 扬尔白 0小时前 :

    Hard to get in at first, but not long after you'll realize it's still the 90s classic body horror Cronenberg, which not just those weird biomechanic machines, but the conflict, rebellion, evolution, so on and so forth. It's definitely the most sexualized Cronenberg movie. Everyone in the film is so obnoxious, but ultra seductive, except the black dude. WTF is that acting? Is that a joke?

  • 位幼萱 5小时前 :

    3. 很多人把这部电影与《钛》进行比较,虽然两者的表现方式有些相似,但是导演想表达的想法是完全不同的。《钛》想表达的是渴望重新拥有最纯粹而真实的人性,这是一种精神上的追求;而《未来罪行》则选择回归肉体,去探寻肉体的意义。

  • 万夏菡 6小时前 :



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