从核爆走出的强者 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 爱情片 2010

导演: Peter Kuran


  On July 16, 1945, at a site called Trinity, a plutonium bomb was assembled and brought to the top of a tower. The bomb was detonated, producing an intense flash and a fireball that expanded to 600 meters in two seconds. The explosive power was equivalent to 18.6 kilotons of TNT. It grew to a height of more than 12 kilometers, boiling up in the shape of a mushroom. Forty seconds later, the blast of air from the bomb reached the observation bunkers, along with a long and deafening roar of sound. And so began the ATOMIC AGE...
  "Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945 until 1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage depicting in graphic detail these powerful and awesome weapons. Many scenes were restored with an Academy Award® winning process created to restore the color.
  Director/producer Peter Kuran, traveled throughout the U.S. to locate footage that includes bombs being suspended by balloon, exploding under the ocean, being shot from a cannon and detonated in outer space.


  • 荤飞莲 5小时前 :


  • 郝元基 8小时前 :

    就 jake还是有点点表演痕迹 不过勇气可嘉

  • 汉芳泽 9小时前 :


  • 邸雁菱 5小时前 :

    “Broken people save broken people”. 情节几度紧张到我啃指甲。杰克希伦哈尔的独角戏值得10分满分的10分。

  • 阴暄美 6小时前 :


  • 锐新儿 6小时前 :


  • 蓓枫 5小时前 :

    7/10 老吉独角戏,全程飙演技。看完查卡司才发现有这么多大牌献声,真是厉害。

  • 舜燕妮 3小时前 :


  • 束迎彤 3小时前 :

    乏善可陈 边打游戏边看的 故作高深 可以预见到反转 演员演的还挺好 就是剧本沉闷也没有什么出彩的地方 如果看透故意深沉的那点儿所谓寓意 就是毫无新意的再翻拍而已

  • 练怀桃 5小时前 :

    比許多臉譜化的說警察不好的影片強上一萬片 短小精悍可以做到拔高立意值得鼓勵

  • 权悦可 3小时前 :

    Broken people save broken people.

  • 运震 8小时前 :


  • 骞骞 8小时前 :

    Emmm……behind the scene

  • 楠雅 6小时前 :

    Only broken people save broken people. This is a film about redemption.

  • 滑若雁 7小时前 :

    一个场景就把戏演了,太厉害了... Emily 只有声音也挺厉害的。

  • 香代蓝 7小时前 :


  • 歧忆安 6小时前 :


  • 梁树 5小时前 :

    Why? Because I could.

  • 桂美 5小时前 :

    要说剧情Bug,这个年代,指导对方打开地图软件实时定位一下,比一直追问着让对方描述位置要合理得多。瑕不掩瑜,谁让岁月的杀猪刀把 Jake Gyllenhaal 脸上的褶子和抬头纹都刀得这么耐看呢?

  • 星倩语 8小时前 :



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