
  Set in Ålesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy.
  Asta is a journalist in Ålesund who seems plunged in a melancholic state, for a reason we discover bit by bit. Her supportive girlfriend refurbishes design chairs and plays the keyboard, while their kitten wanders around the house. One day, Asta reads a story in a newspaper about an asylum-seeker who is being forcefully evicted from Norway after having lived and worked a decade in the country. Gradually, Asta becomes more involved in learning about the case, and she has to find her position - both in her work and in her personal life.
  This beautifully-crafted film, bathed in soft colours, is a meticulous observation of Asta's life after an unnamed trauma, and as external events invite her to reconsider her own relationship to reality. One newspaper article she reads is entitled, "Confronting our social conscience", which is one of the topics of A Human Position. It's also a low-key love story, with its routines and ups-and-downs, which feels very real.


  • 居翠琴 9小时前 :


  • 勇运 9小时前 :


  • 心琪 0小时前 :

    Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?

  • 强运 5小时前 :


  • 抄烨伟 0小时前 :


  • 宏元恺 8小时前 :

    最令人称赞的是舞台设计,这么简单的 呈现形式讲了一个温情的真实故事,体现了导演的能力。

  • 圣彗云 6小时前 :

    太美式温情了。作为音乐剧,里面的歌曲太少,除了Me and the Sky,没有拿得出手的...

  • 优锦 9小时前 :


  • 振祯 7小时前 :


  • 子车鹏池 0小时前 :


  • 党晶滢 6小时前 :


  • 宰父运鸿 2小时前 :

    Me and The Sky好听到爆!!!

  • 己书文 1小时前 :


  • 习信鸥 6小时前 :

    So wonderful, so so wonderful!

  • 慧栀 6小时前 :

    20 years. Still remember every minute of that morning. This is recorded from live theater. Fantastic acting.

  • 庄傲南 7小时前 :

    好真诚的话剧电影,男女主的化学反应很妙,对白和互动让人数度落泪… 女性意识觉醒之后的自信和自爱真的会发光~ Leo这样的Public Service上哪儿领?

  • 凡驰 6小时前 :

    只能说 又是一部不可能被我们拍出来的电影!全片靠高密度的对白撑起 却一点不觉得冗长无聊 可见编剧功底已是登峰造极 再想到我们那尴尬的台词 出戏的演技 祝你好运 国产电影

  • 戚问芙 8小时前 :


  • 子辰 4小时前 :

    从细节切入的真实历史事件,通过几个具有代表性的角色人物,在空间有限的舞台上完成了一部叙事完整、情感饱满的音乐剧。非洲人、穆斯林、女机长、gay couple、动物保护者、911遇害消防员的母亲,每一个角色的icon都或多或少有些沉重,但剧情还是以诙谐的方式展开。

  • 吕水风 5小时前 :

    To people!!!! 我整个暴哭。如果没有疫情,我应该就在现场了。


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