张艺兴程潇cp文 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美综艺 2015

导演: Waldemar Januszczak


  According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourished in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari of errant jingoism. In fact, the most significant early developments in Renaissance art took place not in Italy, but in the ‘barbarian’ lands of Flanders and Germany. Instead of understanding the Renaissance as a return to classical models, we should see it as a climax of medieval values - an epoch of huge religious passions and powerful human emotions.
  The series will celebrate material that is new to television. Waldemar will include art that is not usually thought of as Renaissance art. This will involve 're-classifying' what is sometimes called Late Gothic, and showing it off as a marvellous and native artistic tradition, particularly in the remarkable field of polychrome sculpture. On top of all the new art to be introduced, Waldemar will also look from fresh and intriguing angles at many of the established Renaissance giants, including Michelangelo in the Vatican, Leonardo in the Louvre, Botticelli in the Uffizi and Van Eyck in Ghent.


  • 卫星 2小时前 :

    3.5星。如果少一点cheesy,少一点dramatic,观感会好很多,但总体还是很甜的轻松电影。相比之下,the half of it分寸感更好,更恰到好处

  • 却晨菲 7小时前 :


  • 卫童轲 0小时前 :


  • 令景福 5小时前 :


  • 典映冬 8小时前 :

    这种贴近生活的片子总能让get到我的点 转镜好评

  • 壤驷欣嘉 7小时前 :


  • 寸冬卉 6小时前 :

    Wanna taco-bout it?

  • 卫彦华 7小时前 :

    那对奇葩make love看的影片居然是AOC国会发言

  • 丹半蕾 1小时前 :

    轻松愉快的酷儿校园恋爱 女主妹妹真的很像陈好

  • 云怡 3小时前 :

    正常的美国校园恋爱片 还行 只是这种真的也拍烂了 异性到同性还能整两年 好在没涉及到社会认同那些的 所以四星 另外建议女主让剧终发型半永久 很适合她

  • 伦笑槐 7小时前 :


  • 厉宏扬 2小时前 :


  • 卫韬明 3小时前 :

    I like it I like it I like it!!! 甜甜的爱情喜剧 for lesbians!!!!! Finally!!!!!!! 虽然夹杂着一些不喜欢的cheesy梗 但是感情线演绎得好棒!!AJ这种冷静克制不善言辞但内心很丰富还有点文艺的女孩子什么的🤦‍♀️还很爱运动🤦‍♀️还智商很高的样子🤦‍♀️ 配乐加分 可爱的双关梗漫画加分!!

  • 丽漫 7小时前 :


  • 寸兰泽 6小时前 :

    dental dam是个好东西啊 女主的妈妈太酷了 甚至让人也想做个酷妈

  • 希运锋 2小时前 :

    sure it’s predictable and cheesy BUT that’s the point! we don’t get wlw romcoms like this often no one dead no horrible trauma not about coming out no homophobic in sight. this story is exactly what i’ve always wanna see growing up. a purely cute and sweet wlw romcoms

  • 单于嘉宝 3小时前 :


  • 拜良哲 0小时前 :


  • 妍桂 5小时前 :


  • 娄妞妞 2小时前 :



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