开膛手的名单 电影 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 科幻片 2001

导演: Stephen Kay


  24岁的波士顿大学医学院学生马可夫(Philip Markoff)利用Craigslist广告, 欺骗从事**交易的女子上勾,然后在旅馆中抢劫她们, 甚至残忍的谋杀她们。媒体叫他Craigslist网站杀手, 一连串的案件令警方及社会陷入深深的不安…
  “The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) conducted online while preparing for a promising future as a doctor and a life of happiness with his fiancée, Megan McAllister (Agnes Bruckner). Seemingly destined for greatness as one of Boston University’s brightest med students, Markoff could do no wrong in the eyes of Megan, his friends, fellow students and professors. But hidden from those close to him was the violent wrath only he and his victims knew — beginning with his alleged April 14, 2009, first-degree murder of a masseuse who advertised her services on Craigslist. When police discover that the brutal killing and a number of other attacks on women were all connected to advertisements placed on Craigslist, their investigation ultimately leads them to Markoff. William Baldwin portrays the lead detective investigating the case.
  Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) had it all. A straight-A medical student with a beautiful fianc閑 (Agnes Bruckner), Philip had a future others could only envy. But when a masseuse is murdered by a man she meets through an ad she placed on Craigslist, the clues point directly toward Philip, whom the police accuse of leading a secret life where he preys upon young women. William Baldwin costars in this shocking tale of deception and lies, based on the true story that stunned a nation.


  • 雅采 7小时前 :


  • 紫花 4小时前 :

    皮克斯常见的奇幻-现实的双关逻辑在片名中已经和盘托出——“turning red”既是从人形化作红色熊猫的身体变化,亦是初潮来临后的青春期“变形记”;红色在片中的表层文本中较之文化政治意涵更倾向对于生物学层面的生理变化以及家庭内部亲缘关系转变的聚焦,然而家庭伦理问题在此语境下又何尝不是时刻与更广阔的种族以及国族政治维持着纽结的张力。

  • 辰初 3小时前 :


  • 露采 0小时前 :


  • 留思莲 8小时前 :


  • 殴昊强 0小时前 :

    各种设定真的好真实,简直就是在讲我本人(开玩笑)… 正片竟然没有Bye Bye Bye真是让人失望😂 但是竟然有Bootylicious… 准备再看一遍粤语配音版🐼🧡

  • 鲜之槐 2小时前 :


  • 登天翰 5小时前 :


  • 毓紫萱 6小时前 :

    别人13岁就学到的人生感悟,我都快30了还在学。/这段时间在看山月记 里有写到 每个人都是驯兽者 而各自的性情就是那只猛兽。特别想问自己,那只属于你的猛兽,现在你把她驯服了吗?2022.3.28

  • 阙康伯 7小时前 :

    无法共情的是人从来没有family issue吗?那我挺羡慕你们的

  • 骏树 4小时前 :

    “be water” 。迪士尼不倒闭,天理难容

  • 辟巧曼 1小时前 :

    zzzq太多了 倒胃口

  • 瑶函 8小时前 :


  • 杉薇 5小时前 :

    everybody has their inner fear or problems. perhaps a better way to deal with them is to accept them, make room for them, translate them, and live with them. life isn't perfect, so is every one of us. to be a perfect self is illusory and will only drive us to the abyss we set. accept who we are, good or bad, with no judgment. love and peace can be found in the present and the present is the best moment.

  • 爵权 5小时前 :


  • 裘半兰 9小时前 :

    压力来自母亲家族式的期盼和控制 小熊猫茸茸 Abby表情包 竹林bgm中华风 不是青春就该有叛逆 而是不要轻易抛弃自己的个性 朋友偶像我都要

  • 蔚英发 2小时前 :


  • 茜岚 3小时前 :


  • 晏秀妮 0小时前 :


  • 迮子珍 8小时前 :



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