
  After some misunderstanding, Sakaguchi is hired to make a tourist guide video on Tobako (a fictitious name for Kawaguchi) in the outskirts of Tokyo. This element in the script sparks off a fanciful wandering strewn with unexpected meetings. First with Kitagawa, thanks to whom Sakaguchi landed the job. Then with a seamstress, and then with Yoshino, with whom a half-hearted romance emerges. Thus the narrative unfolds, in halts and swerves, espousing unexpected meetings, and offering the strolling character an opportunity for displacements from one place to the next. The deserted town has come to a standstill – the shooting took place during the lockdown – and this acts as a metaphor for the idleness of the characters. Garden Sandbox is light and nimble, whereas its main character hasa limp. Her demeanour and her stiff body exude a peculiar quality, somewhat comically at odds with the setting. Apathetically playing along, the young woman gleans from each character some pieces of information about the town and, then, touch by touch she delineates its picture: ultimately, the place comes acrossas a post-industrial locale whose foundries are now obsolete. Sakaguchi’s very meanderings lead her to a rich family’s house for a sewing lesson. In this pivotal scene, the lady of the house invites her to don an upper-class wedding dress. Through a gesture both radical and powerful, which itself informs the dynamic of the film as a whole, a gleeful snip of the scissors transforms the item of clothing into the ultimate chic of haute-couture design. What weaves together this truant escape whose motifs and fabric seem inspired by Jacques Rozier’s films, a crumbling industrial heritage and the transforming of a traditional wedding dress? With Garden Sandbox, whose title is a reference to the type of sand used in the foundries, joyfully and playfully, Yukinori Kurokawa interrogates the concepts of mutation and (re)use as sources of boundless possibilities. (Claire Lasolle)


  • 振谷 6小时前 :

    有这个representation是好事,但是(以下剧透)Howie和Charlie那条线交代得让人无法带入。一见钟情时毫无火花,交流过程毫无有意义的共同点,最后的一堆夸赞让我尴尬至极 - 都是一系列很宽泛的欣赏,感觉心思细腻文艺自尊心受挫的Howie在白人救世主的认可里得到了救赎,这真的是一个值得高兴的结局吗?(看了访谈有点改观,里面的挣扎确实是生活在西方社会的亚裔最能共情)

  • 成翱 5小时前 :


  • 宰父融雪 9小时前 :


  • 仁弘懿 3小时前 :


  • 敏彩 5小时前 :


  • 圭林楠 9小时前 :


  • 仉平心 0小时前 :


  • 任冬梅 5小时前 :

    Nothing new,but it makes me happy.

  • 恽山雁 5小时前 :

    主副cp都好好嗑啊啊啊啊,主cp的1的这个人设真的好带感,颅内高潮,典型晋江小言多金傲娇冷淡霸道总裁和后来两次挺身救场的转变更好嗑了。副cp的白人1脸好帅……救命🆘,也很有趣活泼不带偏见,就是烂好人。靠拍色情影片赚钱的那位onlyfans长得也不错。 影片整体就是很Netflix出品的那种校园青春剧风格,爱旁白➕小清新画面、场景,各种青春肉体(虽然主角们都28往上了)。很流水片、剧情也很俗套无新意,没啥意义,休闲娱乐打发时间养养眼也不错。

  • 吕文惠 0小时前 :


  • 斛乐家 0小时前 :

    很好看啊 反映现实,男主也帅,这个剧似曾相识,因为我好想看过类似题材的,一群基佬去一个岛上玩 ,难道是《美国派》?

  • 康皓 3小时前 :


  • 出南晴 7小时前 :


  • 彤锦 3小时前 :


  • 惠帛 6小时前 :

    奇怪白人的白眼,judging 。Just let it fu*k off. 世界那么多爱,最基本的还是要爱自己。

  • 安皓 2小时前 :

    The guy is just a drama Queen! Also he is really not good looking.

  • 布雨星 2小时前 :


  • 孔鹏池 3小时前 :


  • 宰痴旋 0小时前 :

    很好看啊。评分里戾气太重了,可能还是大部分人没有出柜加上国内对待同的环境,大家都不太相信这种爱情吧,但是星期天晚上看一部这样的片子with happy ending it's really beautiful

  • 宰父运鸿 9小时前 :

    相较于早年间mean girl式美式青春片性转版的外出就餐系列,这一部已经迈出了很大一部了,很多观点的挖掘和摊出很值得思考。


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